Delaware State
Fire School

Information for New Fire School Students

The Delaware State Fire School has been delivering programs for the First Responders of Delaware and surrounding areas since the 1960’s.

Since then, the school has grown to 3 divisions, EMS and Hazardous Materials Programs, and delivering several types of certification testing. This will be your first step in training in the Delaware Fire Service.

Student Expectations

Students will be expected to adhere to our dress code:

  • No sleeveless shirts
  • No flip-flops or open toe shoes
  • No bare midriffs
  • Visible body piercings shall be limited to the ear
  • No dangling earrings shall be worn when performing evolutions
  • No exposed jewelry shall be worn with the exception of wedding rings
  • No sexually explicit logos on shirts
  • Hats (including bandanas or do-rags) cannot be worn during classroom instruction
  • Spandex, Yoga Pants, or variation thereof are not permitted

Other rules and expected conduct while attending courses at the Fire School Courses:

  • The use of tobacco products and e-cigarettes (including smokeless tobacco and vapor) is prohibited within boundaries of all state workplaces including all buildings, facilities, indoor and outdoor spaces, and surrounding grounds owned by State.
  • Students are expected to be on time for all classes and to remain in class unless excused.  In keeping with sound educational practice, and in fairness to those students who do comply, those who miss the roll call or who leave during the class will NOT be given credit for that block of instruction.
  • All students are expected to act professionally and courteously and to show respect to others at all times.  Anyone displaying aggressive or offensive behavior WILL BE REMOVED from class.
  • Walking on the grass is prohibited.
  • Students are not to discard trash, etc. on the property except in the designated containers.
  • Students are to respect the community and not speed, drive recklessly, or sound their sirens in the vicinity of the Delaware State Fire School property.
  • Transportation to/from the Delaware State Fire School is the responsibility of the student and/or their department.  Students are not to linger on the property after class has ended.
Photo of trainee putting out fake fire

Students using a fire extinguisher

Photo of Camper participating in rescue training

A student repelling on a rope

Photo of campers learning vehicle training rescue

Students using vehicle rescue tools

Beards, Breathing Apparatus and Live Fire Training:

Delaware State Fire School has a “no beard” policy for students participating in State Fire School sponsored fire and rescue training programs. This action is consistent with recommended national standards, which have been in effect since 1988.

In order to clarify when the policy applies and when it does not apply, the following guideline has been adopted:

Delaware State Fire School Center or Divisions

Students with beards or any facial hair in contact with the face piece seal of self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) or respirators will not be permitted to participate or attend any training activity which requires the use of personal protective equipment, turnout gear, helmets and/or breathing apparatus. Officers and Drivers of fire and rescue apparatus are included.

In-Service Training at Station or Off-Site Locations

Students with beards or any facial hair in contact with the face piece seal of a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) or respirators will not be permitted to participate in any training activity that requires the student to wear breathing apparatus (SCBA).

Use of Fire Wipes

All students who enter environments that are Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH) during training will be issued wipes during each course at the end of those sessions. This video teaches students the reason behind the use of fire wipes and other preventative measures in the importance of reducing cancer risk.

Training Age Requirements

Fire Training:

  1. Students must be 16 years of age or older or obtain the age of 16 during the course, to attend any regularly scheduled DSFS class. NO WAIVER PERMITTED. The only exceptions are Introduction to Emergency Services which can be attended at any age and Basic Fire Fighting Skills which can be attended at age 15.
  2. Students must be 18 years of age or older or obtain the age of 18 during the course, to attend the Crew Leader Course. NO WAIVER PERMITTED.
  3. Students must be 18 years of age or older or obtain the age of 18 during the course, to attend the Emergency Vehicle Operator Course. NO WAIVER PERMITTED.
  4. All out-of-state students must be 18 years of age or older to attend all training.

Emergency Medical Services Training:

  1. Students must be 18 years of age or older upon registration to attend the Emergency Medical Technician program. NO WAIVER PERMITTED, per State Fire Prevention Commission Regulations.
  2. Students must be 16 years of age or older upon registration to attend the Emergency Medical Responder Course. NO WAIVER PERMITTED.
  3. Students have no age restriction for American Heart Association programs, so long as they are physically able to perform any of the required skills. It is recommended for those ages 12 or older.

In-Service Training:

  1. There is no age requirement for the Basic, Advanced, and EMS CEUs in-service classes where the Fire Company Officer is in attendance and responsible for the supervision of the members.

Fire Officer I & II Curriculum:

  1. Students must be 18 years of age or older, or obtain the age of 18 during the course, to attend the Fire Officer I and II courses. NO WAIVER PERMITTED.
Photo of Camper in training attire

Firefighter in gear

Firefighter attacking a fire

Vehicle rescue evolutions

Use of Electronic Devices

The Delaware State Fire School permits students to use a laptop, notebook, tablet device, or an electronic textbook to take notes and other course-related activities of the class with approval of the lead Instructor.  It is the responsibility of the Instructor to decide when and what types of technology are permitted during class.

Electronic devices, including mobile phones, operated in a classroom or on the drill grounds, is prohibited by all personnel.   Instructors or Instructor Aides may use a mobile phone in the performance of their duties only.  All mobile phones must be in the off or vibrate mode and non-visible during class instruction.

No pictures or recordings shall be taken of class instruction for personal use or publication in the social media environment without the approval of the Fire School Director or his designee by any personnel.

Individuals who do not adhere to the policies concerning appropriate use of electronic devices during a class may be asked to leave the facility.

Student Registration

Registrations forms must be signed by the sponsoring agency before being submitted. Applications without signature, or attached payment, will not be processed. Courses requiring coverage by workman’s compensation coverage must have sponsoring agency to be registered.

Any student may be removed from registration by their sponsoring agency at any point.

Registration forms are available on our Sign-up for Classes page. Some courses may require a special form, which will be mailed to the organizations on our mailing list and posted on the Sign-up for Classes page.

Online courses are maintained monthly. Students must complete any online training assigned by the end of the month or assigned due date.

Student cancellations MUST be done by their sponsoring agency’s training officer. Illness or other incidents will require the offices to contact the school after 7:30 am at 302-739-4773. Voicemails may not be accepted and emails or faxes are NOT accepted.


Students who register for Delaware State Fire School courses and do not show up for class on the scheduled date will be placed on a “hold list” and will not be accepted for registration of future courses.  If space is available the students on the “hold list” will be advised on Wednesday afternoon, three (3) days prior to class time that they may attend the course.  “No Shows” will be made a part of the students training record.  No Shows” will be assessed the tuition fee for the entire course.
