Over the past few years, the Delaware State Fire School has developed camps to help introduce local youth into the world of Fire and Emergency Services.
Two camps have been developed for these kids to learn more about the opportunities available to them in the State of Delaware.
June 23 – 26, 2025 at our Dover Division
The Junior Fire Academy 2025 – Registration is OPEN
The DSFS Junior Fire Academy (Previously Junior Fire Camp) was developed to let kids ages 13 to 17, experience training available to the Fire and Rescue Service. This academy is similar to others in the region, which allow cadets who may not yet be eligible to join their local fire company, to experience some of the aspects of training that they could experience if they pursued becoming a firefighter. But this academy is also available to current junior or explorer members of fire companies, to be able to have another opportunity to experience more hands-on training.
The academy is a four-day, all-day camp. The cadets learn skills essential to the fire service, how to work as a team, and gain new relationships in the fire service. They are led by current instructors and leaders in the fire service of Delaware. Activities may include Fire/Rescue boat rides, and a tour of a firehouse, learning about apparatus, local fire service history, and the day-to-day life at a fire station. The cadets also participate in various training evolutions like hose lines, vehicle rescue. On the last day, cadets are able to have family members come and see them demonstrate skills that hey learn along with a cookout to close out the academy.
August 9 – 11, 2024 at our Dover Division
Camp Fury Delaware
Camp Fury 2024 – Registration is OPEN
To provide a safe, positive, and empowering “summer camp” experience specifically tailored to young women interested in a career in public safety.
To identify the passion young women possess that motivates their curiosity to join the emergency services arena. In turn, we provide them a safe and supportive space to explore their interests. Camp Fury Delaware offers young women an opportunity to experience a weekend of simulated activities that represent what emergency responders experience, daily. Throughout a high-energy weekend, remarkable female professionals from a variety of response agencies talk to and train campers through hands-on task application and exercises. Our campers will gain self-confidence, leadership skills, and challenge themselves physically and mentally while making new friends. Camp Fury is a stepping stone to a more inclusive, diverse Delaware.
Through the support of the Delaware State Fire School, Camp Fury Delaware is able to host an interactive, engaging, and inspiring camp for the next generation of fearless young women. Camp Fury Delaware introduces the field of emergency services to young women early in their lives and supports women in public safety fields. Camp Fury isn’t “just” a summer camp, it is a leap in the right direction for inclusivity among public safety professionals in and around our state. As we bound into the next year, our values remain the same: Courage – for campers to try something new and different; Confidence – for campers to feel self-assured in their own abilities; and Character – for campers to develop their mental and moral qualities, and to have strength in their originality.
Related Topics: Camp Fury, Camps, Delaware State Fire School, Junior Fire Camp