2025 Written ONLY Testing Dates
Testing begins at 10:00 am
2025 Firefighter 1 & 2 and Driver Operator Written and Skills Testing Dates
Testing begins at 10:00 am
Certification Testing consists of a written test of 25 to 100 questions depending on the Job Performance Requirements to be covered and and be accompanied by skills evaluations.
The number and types of skills required to be completed vary depending on the level of certification being tested and required Job Performance Requirements (JPRs). Some levels held by the Delaware State Fire School may be offered as a challenge, while some levels must be taken in conjunction with a course due to the complexity or types of of skills and knowledge required for the cognitive written test.
Note: In some cases, outside training may be accepted to be eligible for the prerequisites upon issuance of a waiver or approval of the Director or their designee, and before applying to take a test.
NOTE: ALL written tests not associated specifically with a class, including retests, are held on the scheduled dates of the Testing Center. You can see the available dates on the Testing Center Page.
We offer testing in multiple disciplines in one day, if time allows, on testing dates when resources and candidates are available. Multiple tests on one day will be limited to these combinations, and only if candidates meet the prerequisites:
A passing grade on BOTH levels of a standard is required to be issued both levels of the standard in these tests.
Additionally, passing grades on both 1072 Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations levels are required to complete the Firefighter 1 & 2 written and skills evaluation process
All written testing for Certification done on scheduled dates is done in the Delaware Learning Center on-site at the State Fire School. If you do not have an account, go to our Online Learning page to create an account.
Candidates who fail a written exam or practical may contact us to schedule a retest, 15 days after the test date but no later than 2 years after. There is no cost for the first retest. Each additional attempt must be made during a regularly scheduled class or challenge date. Practical skills only provided in a class must be done during the next regularly scheduled class. If you are unable to attend a scheduled challenge date for a written examination, you may contact the Certification Manager to work out a special testing date if they are available to do so.
Candidates who do not complete all required skills on a testing date or during the course will need to complete the skills no later than 2 years after the date of successfully passing the written cognitive test and so long it is verified the course was the current version of the standard that the Fire School is accredited. After that time, students will need to restart the process entirely and repeat any necessary testing.
Once students have completed a prerequisite certification, may apply for those certifications for the course that contained certification testing. Click HERE for the Prerequisite for Certification application to have your request reviewed.
The NFPA® is in the process of a multiyear effort to consolidate numerous, similar standards called the Emergency Response and Responder Safety Consolidation Project. This project will affect some of our offered levels of certification testing, but not others. As these standards become consolidated, and curriculums and test banks are developed, we will be working with the Proboard and IFSAC to update within the required timelines, just like any other certification standard update we have done in the past.
The Standards being consolidated and in the process of adoption by the Delaware State Fire School are:
NFPA 470 – 2020: 472 & 1072
NFPA 1010 – 2024: 1001, 1002, 1003, & 1005
NFPA 1030 – 2024: 1031, 1035, & 1037
Upcoming consolidation:
NFPA 1550 – 2024: 1521
NFPA 1020 – 2025: 1021 & 1041
Notices will be put out and posted on this page as to what standards and chapters have been adopted, and we list and honor whatever guidance any the NFPA for recognition of prerequisites, similar to the NFPA 472 certifications as being equivalent to NFPA 1072 requirements for those levels. More information can be found at the link above.
The Delaware State Fire School is accredited by the National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications (Pro Board) or the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) to offer certification in the following:
Firefighter I & II
Written $250 in-state, $500 out-of-state and unaffiliated
Must be challenged with Firefighter II
Passing of written testing MUST be successful before scheduling skills evaluation.
Firefighter 1 & 2 Challenge Application
Prerequisite: 16 years of age, DSFS Core Classes of Basic Firefighting Skills, Structural Firefighting Skills, Vehicle Rescue, and HazMat Response Skills (or the equivalent of DSFS Core Classes, must be submitted in writing for approval to test), NFPA Hazardous Materials Awareness & Operations, Current AHA First Aid (or equivalent) or higher, Current CPR. ICS 100
Candidates requiring current 1st Aid and BLS CPR/AED to meet the EMS Requirements may attend a course held at DSFS. Candidates may do one or both that are needed. Visit our CPR AED Training page for more information and dates.
Note: Must challenge both NFPA 1001 Firefighter I and II if applying to challenge Firefighter I. Out-of-state equivalencies MUST be approved before being scheduled for testing. Time should be allowed for submission of applicable courses and time for review.
Note: If needed, NFPA Hazardous Materials Awareness & Operations may be challenged on the same day so long as meeting those prerequisites listed.
IFSTA Essentials of Fire Fighting and Fire Department Operations, 7th Edition
Firefighter 1 and 2 Skills Guide
Firefighter II
Written $150 in-state, $300 out-of-state and unaffiliated
Passing of written testing MUST be successful before scheduling skills evaluation.
Firefighter 1 & 2 Challenge Application
Prerequisite: 16 years of age, The training listed above under Firefighter I (or equivalent) or NFPA Firefighter I, NFPA Hazardous Materials Awareness & Operations, DSFS Vehicle Rescue and DSFS Hazardous Materials Response Skills, Current AHA First Aid (or equivalent) or higher, Current CPR, ICS 100 & 200.
Candidates requiring current 1st Aid and BLS CPR/AED to meet the EMS Requirements may attend a course held at DSFS. Candidates may do one or both that are needed. Visit our CPR AED Training page for more information and dates.
IFSTA Essentials of Fire Fighting and Fire Department Operations, 7th Edition
Firefighter 1 and 2 Skills Guide
NOTE: ALL Driver Operator Candidates must have access and permission to use the vehicle for the level being tested and be permitted to drive on normal roads for the road course skill station.
Driver Operator – Pumper
Written $200 in-state, $350 out-of-state and unaffiliated
Driver Operator Challenge Application
Prerequisite: MUST be an Approved driver/driver trainee of sponsoring affiliation’s apparatus for level being tested. DSFS Driver Operator Course recommended.
IFSTA Pumping and Aerial Apparatus Driver Operator Handbook, 3rd Edition
Driver Operator Pumper Skills Sheets (to be added)
Driver/Operator – Aerial
Written $200 in-state, $350 out-of-state and unaffiliated
Driver Operator Challenge Application
Prerequisite: NFPA Firefighter I, MUST be an Approved driver/driver trainee of sponsoring affiliation’s apparatus for the level being tested.
IFSTA Pumping and Aerial Apparatus Driver Operator Handbook, 3rd Edition
Driver Operator Aerial Skills Sheets (to be added)
Driver/Operator – Tiller
Written $200 in-state, $350 out-of-state and unaffiliated
Driver Operator Challenge Application
Prerequisite: NFPA Firefighter I and NFPA Driver Operator – Aerial (DO Aerial may be tested at the same time). MUST be an Approved driver/driver trainee of the sponsoring affiliation’s apparatus for the level being tested.
IFSTA Pumping and Aerial Apparatus Driver Operator Handbook, 3rd Edition
Driver Operator Tiller Skills Sheets (to be added)
Driver/Operator – Mobile Water Supply
Written $200 in-state, $350 out-of-state and unaffiliated
Driver Operator Challenge Application
Prerequisite: 18 Years of Age, MUST be an Approved driver/driver trainee of sponsoring affiliation’s apparatus for the level being tested. DSFS Driver Operator Course recommended.
MUST have access to drive and operate an apparatus that is capable of mobile water supply (Tanker or Water Tender) to be used on the testing date. The apparatus must have more than 1,500 gallons of water and be capable of drafting and have the ability to quick dump to fill a portable tank.
IFSTA Pumping and Aerial Apparatus Driver Operator Handbook, 3rd Edition
Driver Operator Mobile Water Supply Skills Sheets (to be added)
Rope Rescue Technician Level 1 & 2
Special Class Scheduling Required
Prerequisite: 18 years of age, Current EMR or higher, Current CPR, NFPA Rescue Core Requirements – Available with course
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Confined Space Rescue Technician Level 1 & 2
Special Class Scheduling Required
Prerequisite: 18 years of age, Current EMR or higher, Current CPR, NFPA Rescue Core Requirements – Available with course
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Vehicle Rescue Awareness, Operations, and Technician
Included in DSFS Vehicle Rescue Course
Prerequisite: Completion of DSFS Vehicle Rescue Course (Program since Fall 2023).
Jones and Bartlett Vehicle Rescue and Extrication: Principles and Practice, 2nd Second Edition
Contact Us
Fire Officer I
Written $200 in-state, $400 out-of-state/unaffiliated
Prerequisite: 18 years of age, NFPA Firefighter II, NFPA Instructor I
Submission of written skills IS REQUIRED before scheduling written testing.
IFSTA Fire and Emergency Services Company Office, 6th Edition
Fire Officer I Candidate Skills Packet – Fire Officer 1 Written Skills Portion of Challenge Handbook
Fire Officer II
Written $200 in-state, $400 out-of-state/unaffiliated
Prerequisite: 18 years of age, NFPA Fire Officer I, ICS-300
Submission of written skills IS REQUIRED before scheduling written testing.
IFSTA Fire and Emergency Services Company Office, 6th Edition
Fire Officer II Candidate Skills Packet – Fire Officer 2 Written Skills Portion of Challenge Handbook
Fire Officer III
Written $200 in-state, $400 out-of-state/unaffiliated
Prerequisite: 18 years of age, NFPA Fire Officer II
Submission of written skills IS REQUIRED before scheduling written testing.
IFSTA Fire and Emergency Services Chief Officer, 4th Edition
Fire Officer III Candidate Skills Packet – Fire Officer 3 Written Skills Portion of Challenge Handbook
Fire Officer IV
Written $200 in-state, $400 out-of-state/unaffiliated
Prerequisite: 18 years of age, NFPA Fire Officer III
Submission of written skills IS REQUIRED before scheduling written testing.
IFSTA Fire and Emergency Services Chief Officer, 4th Edition
Fire Officer IV Candidate Skills Packet – Fire Officer 4 Written Skills Portion of Challenge Handbook
Fire Instructor I
Scheduled DSFS Class only, See Course Catalog
Prerequisite: 18 years of age, DSFS Fire Instructor 1 Course, High School Graduate or Equivalent
IFSTA Fire and Emergency Services Instructor, 9th Edition
Fire Instructor II
Scheduled DSFS Class only, See Course Catalog
Prerequisite: 18 years of age, DSFS Fire Instructor 2 Course, NFPA Fire Instructor I
IFSTA Fire and Emergency Services Instructor, 9th Edition
Hazardous Materials – Awareness
Written $50 in-state, $100 out-of-state and unaffiliated
Prerequisite: 14 years of age, DSFS Hazardous Materials Awareness Class or NFPA Hazardous Materials Awareness Course (accepted upon approval by Director).
Testing is also offered during our Basic Firefighting Skills and EMT classes
IFSTA Essentials of Fire Fighting and Fire Department Operations, 7th Edition or IFSTA Hazardous Materials for the First Responder 6th Edition
Hazardous Materials – Operations
Written $75 in-state, $150 out-of-state and unaffiliated
Prerequisite: 15 years of age, DSFS HazMat Response Skills, DSFS Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations Course, or NFPA Hazardous Materials Operations Course (accepted upon approval by Director) *See Note Below
IFSTA Essentials of Fire Fighting and Fire Department Operations, 7th Edition or IFSTA Hazardous Materials for the First Responder 6th Edition
Hazardous Materials – Awareness and Operations
Written $50 in-state, $100 out-of-state/unaffiliated
Hazardous Materials – Technician
Scheduled DSFS Class only, See Course Catalog
Prerequisite: 18 years of age, NFPA Hazardous Materials Operations Certification *See Note Below
IFSTA Essentials IFSTA Hazardous Materials Technician 3rd Edition
Hazardous Materials – Incident Commander
Scheduled DSFS testing only
Prerequisite: 18 years of age, NFPA Hazardous Materials Operations Certification *See Note Below
Contact Us
Jones and Bartlett Hazardous Materials: Managing the Incident, 4th Edition
Hazardous Materials Branch Officer – Contact Us
Special DSFS Class or In-service
Prerequisite: 18 years of age, NFPA Hazardous Materials Technician *See Note Below
Hazardous Materials Safety Officer – Contact Us
Special DSFS Class or In-service
Prerequisite: 18 years of age, NFPA Hazardous Materials Officer, NFPA Incident Safety Officer
*See Note Below
Incipient Brigade
Special Class Scheduling Required
Prerequisite: 18 years of age, NFPA Hazardous Materials Awareness, Industrial Brigade Employee (Special Class)
Contact Us
Advanced Exterior Brigade
Special Class Scheduling Required
Prerequisite: 18 years of age, NFPA Incipient Brigade, Industrial Brigade Employee (Special Class)
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Traffic Incident Management Personnel (with TIMS course)
Free to in-state and out-of-state
Prerequisite: At least 14 years of age, attendance of Traffic Incident Management course
Incident Safety Officer
$150 in-state, $300 out-of-state/unaffiliated
Prerequisite: 18 years of age, NFPA Fire Officer I, current First Aid or higher EMS Certification and CPR Cards
Jones and Bartlett Fire Department Incident Safety Officer, 3rd Edition
Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems – Visual Observer
May 6 & 7, 2023 (with Qualification Course) See Course Catalog
Prerequisite: At least 14 years of age
Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems – Remote Pilot In Command
May 6 & 7, 2023 (with Qualification Course) See Course Catalog
Prerequisite: At least 14 years of age
*Levels within NFPA 472 and 1072 shall be accepted were needed as prerequisites and when shown as the equivalent after the transition to NFPA 470 has been completed for those levels with our accrediting agencies.
**NFPA 1001, 1002, 1003 and 1005 shall be accepted were needed as prerequisites and when shown as the equivalent after the transition to NFPA 1010 has been completed for those levels with our accrediting agencies.
Related Topics: Certification Testing, Classes, Courses, Delaware State Fire School
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